Ralph Nader in Utah

John DehlinLDS, mormon, politics, war 9 Comments

Friends in Utah and in Surrounding States — Seeing Ralph Nader speak (as a Congressional Intern) was a highlight of my life.  He remains a hero of mine to this day.  Our good friend Ashley Sanders is hosting a house party tonight for Mr. Nader (for those who can still make it), and if ya’ll get the chance, you definitely should consider going to hear him speak when he comes to Utah on July 31st.  Information below and attached for both events.  Go Nader!  Go Ash!!!!  And please spread the word!!!

Event: Nader House Party! — “Talk to Nader by phone!”
Start Time: Saturday, July 26 at 4:00pm

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Comments 9

  1. I must support John’s petition and Ashley Sander’s political efforts. Ralph Nader is the only non-corporate candidate who has policies that focus on what is best for the people of the United States.

    Candidates like him make me wish I was an American. He would get my vote.

    I wish I could be there John. You and Ash have it spot on with voting for Nader!!!

    Please everyone…lets get back our democracy.

  2. It is tempting to ask what more could you ask of Nader than he got George Bush elected twice? Many believe that he managed to put Al Gore down in flames, and believe he should be credited with the net improvement in the environment that defeating Gore created.

    I’m not sure how this is a particularly Mormon issue, though Robert Redford has a great presentation quoting Brigham Young and other early church leaders that Redford uses in addressing the environment in Utah that would make a great post tying in LDS and Nader-like issues.

    Or we could talk Gene Jacob’s legacy in Utah. We used to talk about him as a lone Democrat in the Garden of Utah …

    There are some rich topics here. I hope this is a springboard to discussing them and not a mere political rally notice.

  3. Ralph Nader? – The Harold Stassen of our day? As Stephen M stated he got George Bush elected twice. Good job helping the country on that one! What has he really done? Oh, he saved us from the Corvair. Old news. it is a shame we do not have any viable alternatives to the two candidates, one of whom will be elected Preisdent. But Ralph Nader? Let’s be serious.

  4. Sorry guys…I tried to edit my comment but for some reason I am unable too.

    Here is an awesome commentary on Nader and Obama.

    And an excerpt which I liked from a recent Raw Story

    (http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Nader_Democrats_are_political_slaves_Obama_0728.html )

    “What is your answer to people, including myself, who believe that the votes you get will take away from the Democratic party and ensure McCain wins?” asked the woman during Nader’s Q&A with the press. “People who say that a vote for you is a vote for McCain.”

    Nader grew tense, and his response to the woman was abrupt. “Madam, do you think I’m a second-class citizen?” he asked.

    “I’d like for you to answer my question,” said the woman.

    “No, because that question implies that somehow I am less equal in running for election than two crooked politicians in Washington,” he said. “You are a political bigot, wittingly or unwittingly.”

    It was during his speech, and after the press conference, that Nader said progressives who will vote for Obama as the “least worst candidate” are actually trapped in “political slavery.”

    Indeed…I agree that those who believe that we must vote for the least worst candidate between the Democrats and Republicans show signs of the planned corporate “political slavery” that the US has been encompassed by.

  5. Elections are not horse races my friends. There are several astute candidates from third parties. I will be voting for one of them. I would suggest you do some research and do the same.

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