Once again, the story of Symonds Ryder has been misused to illustrate a point about leaving the Church over something inconsequential. Undoubtedly there have been …
A Rational Theology Part 1: Scientists and Apologists
While looking through the bookshelves of a close relative, I discovered a rather significant library of old Mormon books. Most of these books were published …
Giving Back His Name
“Have they not read the scriptures, which say ye must take upon you the name of Christ, which is my name? For by this name …
The Gospel of Mammon – Chapter One: Money Changers & the Great and Spacious Building
A translation. Of an ancient record. Written by the hand of its author. [For an explanatory introduction to the Gospel of Mammon, click thou on …
Sailing Single-Handed: A Navigation Guide for Single Latter-day Saints
The following is an excerpt from Sailing Single-Handed: A Navigation Guide for Single Latter-day Saints, by Christopher P. Halloran. Every four years, a small group …
Guest: A Survey of Mormon Culture and Belief by Matt W.
Matt W. from NCT has been working on a Survey of Mormon Culture and Belief. He has agreed to guest post the survey here. The …
The God of the OT vs. the Golden Calf
OT SS Lesson #14 Sometimes I have a hard time with the Jehovah of the Old Testament. I’m not always sure how much of the …
Comparing Religious Observance: Mormons and Jews
I thought it would be interesting to map the religious observance of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon) and the Jews. I’ve …
Temple Recommend Assumptions
Maybe it was an upcoming family wedding. Or maybe it came out some other way. Have you ever been in a situation when you became …
If Easter Be Not True
I’ve learned a few things from teaching swimming lessons to tiny children for over 30 years. One of the most obvious is that some kids …
Conference Moments
To get you in the mood, I’m sending some of my favorite Conference Moments from the past, in no particular order. Join me and share …
Increased Civility in Our Conversations
On this Good Friday, I want to make a request based on a wonderful post I read over at By Common Consent by one of …
What makes a good home teacher?
Nope, not April Fools. 🙂 I have mixed feelings about my experiences with home teaching. My father taught me from an early age about visiting …
Mormons and Dr. Laura
Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio talk show host, heard in the United States Monday-Friday all across the country. The bio from her website is …
Joseph Fielding McConkie and the Lens of Literalism
In a recently published book ‘Between the Lines: Unlocking Scripture with Timeless Principles’ (2009), Joseph Fielding McConkie tries to deal with the issue of discerning …
Rachel and Leah: A Modern Perspective
Last year, I posted a topic about Marriage Fitness. The author is Mort Fertel, and he makes no illusions that his method is a quick …
Greg Prince at USU 2010 — The Audio
Greg Prince, author of David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism, was here at USU today. For those interested, I recorded the audio …
Our Voices, Our Visions: A report from the road
Monday night in Claremont, California, we kicked off the Our Voices, Our Visions Mormon Women’s Literary Tour in the company of an audience of 30 …
What Dreams May Come
OT SS Lesson #12 Whether dreams come from the unconscious mind or directly from God, they are valuable sources of revelation. Dreams can tell us …
Mormon Myths as Transferable Charisma
Richard Bushman has recently given a presentation on ‘Joseph Smith and the Routinization of Charisma’. One of Bushman’s arguments seems to be that Charisma was …
What I Learned in Nursery
Many of us have been told that no matter what the calling you have, you will learn from it and grow. I imagine that’s probably …
Brothers: A Review
What if — as well as a description of birth order and an indicator of hierarchy — the appellation “firstborn” was also a title? Could …
The World of the Self-Absorbed
Definition self-absorbed: /ˌself.əbˈzɔːbd//-ˈzɔːrbd/ adj usually disapproving . Only interested in yourself and your own activities (http://dictionary.cambridge.org/) I don’t know what it is, society, the culture, …
Bednar Was Wrong About Facebook
Last year, Elder Bednar gave a talk at BYU-I on a subject that weighed deeply on his soul. At the time, I read his words …
The Relational Definition of Sin
One of my favorite experiences at the BYU Studies Symposium was listening to a set of two talks on the subject of sin. That might …
A Marital Confession
A recent visit at FMH and John Dehlin’s Mormon Stories interview with fmhLisa (Butterworth) has made me realise something about myself that I am not …
Did God Create Evil?
Watch Here Isa 45:& I form the light , and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the lord do all the things. …
You’re the Bishop #6: A Poll
Bishop Bill with a situation that happens to probably every bishop. Read on.
Bombshell at the BYU Studies Symposium
A small crowd at the BYU Studies Symposium yesterday was on hand to receive Richard Holzapfel’s self-proclaimed Mormon history “bombshell.” He presented the morning plenary …
Time to Study the Old Testament Again Part 7 – Pearl of Great Price (PofGP) and the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (JST)
I realize this may seem a bit late as we’ve studied the first part of Genesis which included the Book of Moses and the Book …
Book of Mormon for Modern Minds?
Fascinating article from the New York Times about a new version of the Torah being released by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, which represents …
The Virgin and the Whore: Thinking Beyond Dinah and Potiphar’s Wife
OT SS Lesson #11 Lesson 11 in the Old Testament manual employs several stories from Genesis 34-39 to develop the theme of sexual morality. Joseph’s …
You’re the Bishop #5 (Poll)
Bishop Bill again, folks. Now for one that has nothing to do with the ward.
Prophets, Seers and Bureaucrats
I listened recently to a Mormon Expression podcast with John Dehlin, in which he comments upon the difficult position the Church leaders face. He observes that their are …
Dueling Wordprint Studies
This is the 3rd post reviewing By the Hand of Mormon, by Terryl Givens. I’ve taken a bit on an interest in wordprint studies. Givens …
Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, my Mom and Dallin Oaks, a Convergence
Joseph Smith found language terribly important, and was clear that no translation into English could be perfect because of the limits of the language. Brigham …
Jacob’s Ladder: More on Faith Vs. Works
OT SS Lesson #10 Though it’s only an “additional teaching idea” in Lesson 12, Jacob’s ladder has captured my imagination due to some conversations I’ve …
You’re the Bishop #4 (Poll)
OK, Bishop Bill here again with a really difficult situation.
Church as a Social Network
There are those among the disaffected who would like to reap the benefits of the church as a community although they may no longer share the …
Memorialising the Holocaust: Post-memory and the Latter-Day Saints
According to Arrington and Bitton, “most individual responses of modern Mormons involve a kind of tie with the past”[1] . History is central to the …
Are Mormon Academics Winning the Debate with Evangelicals?
I’ve been reading Terryl Givens book, By the Hand of Mormon. While acknowledging archaeological data isn’t as strong as other aspects of the Book of …
Grace vs. Works: An Oar With Your Name on It?
I just loved John Dehlin’s latest interview with Shawn McCraney. I’ve followed both of their work with great interest for years. They bring up the …
Putting an Edge on Abraham
OT SS Lesson #9 This story is so very, very familiar to us that I think it’s important to look at it with a fresh …
Wired World Views: Preserving the Other’s Truth
In a February 2, 2008, cover story in New Scientist, Jim Giles asked whether political leanings were genetic:
“Across the land, liberals and conservatives are slugging it out, trying to convince each other that their way of thinking is right. They may be wasting their breath.”
Is God Still Progressing? (Poll Included)
Last month, one of the RS/PH lessons was about the nature of God. Since the lesson was only about a page and a half long, …
Self-Esteem and Sexuality: Another approach to Chastity
I want to take a lead from Hawgrrrl, who recently posted on the value of Sex Education in trying to reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancies …
Home Teaching the Mentally Ill
I posted a longer version of this on my blog. Last month I had the most unusual experience I have ever had in regards to …
Sexual Transgression and the Limits of the Atonement- Guest Madam Curie
Before I was baptized LDS, I had a college boyfriend with whom I was sexually active. At the time, I was under enormous pressure from …
You’re the Bishop: Poll #3
Bishop Bill back with more. We’ve had fictionalized situations in the last two installments with a YW and a YM. Now, let’s have a situation …
The Problem of Unanswered Prayer
A large problem some people have is unanswered prayer. I got to thinking about it again when Jen was writing about someone she knew and …
Being Grateful for Adversity
My House Burned Down. I Saw The Moon. (Buddhist Poem.) Last week I asked about perspectives on suffering and how they translate into culture. This …
‘God is not an enemy of Human Appetite’: The Church, the Lord and the M-Word
Disclaimer: This post, as you might expect, does contain some overtly sexual references to specific parts of the body that are prominent in human sexuality. …
A Tribute to Charity
My father had a stroke on Wednesday. The artery in his neck is 95% blocked, and he will have surgery to try to correct that …
A Plea To Mormons: Walk A Mile In Palestinian Shoes
Guest Post by Non-Arab Arab BiV’s recent post “Sod, Seed, Salvation: Abrahamic Covenant and the Claim to Palestine” brought me out of my normal lurking. …
Perspectives on Suffering
Why Does Suffering Exist, and How Does our Understanding of Suffering Translate into Our Culture? The desire to avoid suffering is probably one of the …
Sod, Seed, Salvation: Abrahamic Covenant and the Claim to Palestine
OT SS Lesson #7 Sod, seed, and salvation — it’s how I like to describe the Abrahamic Covenant. There were three promises in the covenant. …
The Sacred Made Real: Mormonism, Iconography and the Passion of Christ
A few weeks ago I attended an exhibition entitled ‘The Sacred made Real’ at the National Gallery in London. The collection was focussed on Spanish …
You’re the Bishop: Poll #2
Bishop Bill back with your next installment of “You’re the Bishop.” Just to be clear, the examples I am using have been changed enough that …
Separating the Wheat from the Tares
In the parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43), the servant asked the master if the tares should be uprooted and removed. …
From Patriarchy to Eternity
I am going to put this as simply as possible, and let’s start with a definition. Patriarchy is a social system in which the father …
Unbridled Speculation Strikes Again — The Old Testament Series
In the classic Old Testament, Eve has her first child, then her second and one (Cain) kills the other (Able). Cain is cursed to wander. …
Abstainers vs. Indulgers
Mormons dig abstinence. Like many other highly committed Christians, we abstain from premarital sex. But, that’s not all; we also abstain from tobacco, alcohol, coffee, …
Niblets Winners 2009
Niblets voting has now concluded. We hope you have all enjoyed this year’s effort. Join us one week from today to view Ziff’s professional summary!! …
Mormon Missionaries Die in Romania
I want to let everyone know of a very unfortunate situation in Romania. According to this Deseret News article, Elder McKay Choy Burrows, 20, of …
Church Growth and the Tendency toward Liberalism
Some time ago, as a guest I wrote a post entitled ‘Academic freedom in the Church‘ which tried to explore some of liberalizing tendencies seen …
Interfaith Marriages by guest Madam Curie
A recent post by Cr@ig on Main Street Plaza caused me to reflect on the strength of interfaith marriages. I had hoped to generate a …
Squaring the Circle, balance and ideals
A discussion of Squaring the Circle, a geometric puzzle.
All things denote that there is a God
According to the recent lesson manuals, the founding fathers, including Benjamin Franklin, were inspired. All things denote (not connote) that there is a God, and, …
True or Bizarre: A Poll
While there are moral truths that all religions tend to share (don’t kill, don’t steal, be nice to people, etc.), religions also include “bizarre” differentiators …
Why I want to Live the United Order
OT SS Lesson #5 I have often thought that had I not joined the Church at age 19 I would have liked to have joined …
The Fourth Purpose: Haiti, and Who is My Brother?
An article from the Salt Lake Tribune listed in the Mormon Matters sidebar sometime ago noted the official elevation of “care of the poor and …
Committing Spiritual Murder: Analysing Alma 39
Michael Ash in a Sunstone article entitled ‘The Sin “Next to Murder”’ has argued that Alma’s exhortation to his son Corianton (who had ran off …
Vote Here — 2009 Niblets Awards
Voting is now closed. Voting for the 2009 Niblets has begun. You may click the selections to view the links as many times as you …
For God’s Sake, Blog!
I wish I could claim credit for the title of the post, but it actually comes from this MSNBC article. Apparently the Pope is encouraging …
“They Don’t Really Belong” – The Story of Doubting Jews Caught In Between Worlds.
I recently came across this story on the BBC Website and felt that I had to return to Mormon Matters to write a few comments …
Niblets Nominations
Nominations for the Niblets Awards are now in. A few minor changes have been made to screen for category, and to avoid duplication. Nominations that …
Mormon Stories # 112 & 113: Joanna Brooks Parts 1 and 2
I recorded my first Mormon Stories podcast in some time w/ professor, author and mother Joanna Brooks, and thought it might be nice to discuss these …
The Dispensation of the Fullness of Times
A discussion about the concept of the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times and the Information Age.
You’re the Bishop: Scenario #1
Welcome to “You’re the Bishop,” a new installment at Mormon Matters. My name is Bishop Bill. Once every few weeks I’ll post a situation that …
Mormon Stories 2.0 – And How You Can Help
Hey Folks, Some of you may have heard that I’ve decided to bring back Mormon Stories Podcast. For those of you who are new to …
CoC to tackle Major Issues at April Conference: Gay Marriage & Baptism
This is the second guest Post from FireTag, a member of the Community of Christ (formerly known as RLDS). As he mentioned in his previous …
Adam & Eve as UFOs (Unidentified Figurative Objects)
OT SS Lesson #4 Although our SS lesson for this week presents Adam and Eve as two literal, physical characters, the temple ceremony hints that …
What’s With the Initials Anyway?
Never in the history of mankind have name initials played such an important role as in the LDS Church.
Dysfunctional Families or Church?
Exit stories are the tales told when someone leaves the church. The internet is full of these stories, and in many, there is drama in …
On Failed Patriarchal Blessings
Some time ago I spoke to someone I knew about a Patriarchal blessing they had received which seemed to have failed to come to pass. …
Mormon Innovations: the Pre-Mortal Life
I’m teaching the Gospel Principles lesson #2 tomorrow. I’m going to attempt to utilize proper sources, only utilizing personal experiences and church magazines. We’ll see …
2009 Niblets are Here!!
Mormon Matters introduces the 2009 Niblets Awards! It’s back! The opportunity to honor the unique and talented Mormon bloggers of 2009. It’s a chance to …
Mormon Law 2009 Year in Review
The waning days of 2009 saw the possible loosening of Utah liquor laws as a national story. Meanwhile, in a development covered by Mormon Matters, …
Mormon Matters on Kindle
Just last week, Mormon Matters content became available to Kindle owners. The only other b’naclers on Kindle are our buddies at By Common Consent. So, here’s …
The Creation Accounts — Unharmonized
OT SS Lesson #3 Several years ago I did a study of Joseph Smith’s different accounts of the First Vision. It was fascinating to see …
Follow the [blank]: A Poll
In the church, we learn how to be good followers. There are many things we are told to follow: the prophet, good examples, our parents’ …
LDS Church News Says: “Use Proper Sources” With Gospel Teaching
(Hat tip to Michael Carpenter) This just in from LDS Church News. Correlation remains king. “A gospel teacher is not called to choose the subject …
On Being an Apostle but not in the Quorum
‘In 1866, at the age of only twenty-seven, Joseph F. Smith was ordained an Apostle by President Brigham Young, and served briefly as one of …
Mormons Celebrating Diversity
Hello Mormon Matters community! I was invited to contribute a blogpost now and then, and hope I’ll be able to throw some meaningful questions into …
BYU Students Hit it Big: Miley Cyrus Virus Rap
BYU (and UVU) students hit it big. 100,000 Youtube views and counting. Who says Mormons can’t have fun? (Notice Helaman Halls in the background. …
Chosen or Posin’ ? Abraham, Buffy, and Other Choice Spirits
OT SS Lesson #2 This was an interesting lesson to read after last year’s brou-ha-ha over an alleged “generals in the war in heaven” quote. …
“Pretender” Mormons?
(Hat tip to Antonio Parr at BCC) To get this post, you’re either gonna have to spend 7 minutes listening to this song ..or be …
Time to Study the Old Testament…Again – Part 5 – “Plain and Precious Things”
“We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to …
Dialogue Subscribers and Book of Mormon Historicity?
In 2005 Dialogue conducted research among it’s subscribers. There was over a 1,000 responses which (assuming that everyone answered every question) is a fairly good …
Canonizing Modern Revelation – A Tourist Guide
Over the past year or so, I’ve become blogging buddies with FireTag, a member of the Community of Christ. He has his own blog at …
What is “sin”?
In my apparently never ending need to define absolutely everything, (e.g. what “bless the food” means or “what is the church?”) I am continuing my …
Richard Dawkins, God and Santa Claus: Belief as a Form of Abuse
Between Christmas and New Year I had the opportunity to meet with some friends and at one point during the evening we began discussing the …
Did Mormon Influence Increase over the Decade?
My wife brought this to my attention while reading the front page of the Deseret News: 2000s: The First Decade-Mormon Church Influence Soars. Without providing …
This is my Work and my Game Plan
OT SS Lesson #1 With Jeff’s interesting introduction to the OT course of study, I’m sure many of you have peeked at the first OT …
Time to Study the Old Testament…Again – Part 4 – How to Study the Old Testament
As we start the new cycle of scripture study this coming Sunday, just how should we study the Old Testament? As was pointed out in …
What is your relationship with Mormonism?
This is a question I just had for everyone…because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from all this blogging, it’s that people have such widely …
The Word of Wisdom and the Temple: Personal, Political and Prophetic Dimensions
Obedience to the Word of Wisdom, it is commonly known, was not always a requirement for entering the Temple or advancement in the Priesthood. What …
Top 10 Ways GAs Eat Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup
I was inspired by jmb275’s recent post on the Mormon Cultural Articles of Faith, so I thought I’d post an oldie but a personal favorite. …
Is a “believing heart” really a positive attribute?
I would like to introduce Madam Curie which many of you know her by on her replies at Mormon Matters she also has her own …
Virtual PH/RS Lesson: Elder Eyring’s talk and the New Year
I was asked to teach the lesson in Elder’s Quorum on Elder Eyring’s General Conference talk from October: Our Perfect Example (click here for video.) …
Merry Christmas, Everyone!
May this day be one that is devoid of contention, anger, hard feelings and condemnation. May we commit to make it such within our own …
Time to Study the Old Testament……..Again – Part 3 – Transmission and Translation
I have to apologize for the lateness of this post. I traveled to Europe a 3 times since before Thanksgiving and just couldn’t find the …
Josh and Susan Powell, and an LDS Ultimatum — “Get Active, or I’m Leaving With the Kids”
(This post has been updated) Just saw this blurb in the Deseret News this morning: When Josh and Susan Powell were first married, both were …
In the Shadow of the Temple by Guest
A close friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous recently saw in the shadow of the temple his story follows: In October, I was …
Sex Ed: A Poll
Which is more effective at preventing unwanted pregnancies: abstinence education or conception education?
Gregory House and Emmanuel Levinas: Finding Meaning in Suffering: Part 2
A few weeks ago I wrote a post on suffering. Resulting from a thoughtful critique of that post, by Andrew S, and a recommendation (in …
Articles of Faith of Mormon Culture
My only regret is that I cannot take credit for this wonderful bit of humor! They were originally posted by an author found here. Please …
Glenn Beck, Gold and Moroni’s Promise
Wow. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Beck – Not So Mellow Gold www.thedailyshow.com Listen for Moroni’s promise at …
The NDE and its Interpretation
I’ve delayed publishing this essay for several months due to the fact that, the more I seem to learn about this subject, the more I …
EQ to HPG: Rites of Passage
Whether you are 18 or 88, married, single, widowed, or divorced, with or without kids, and regardless of your socio-economic status, if you are an …
The Bloggernacle Song (inspired by Adam Sandler)
There’s been a lot of buzz about Senator Hatch’s Hanukkah Song, and The Tonight Show’s Mormon Song. I don’t think either one of them can …
‘Christmas’ or ‘Winter Festival’: I’m not sure I care!
This must be the the third year that I have heard people bemoan government plans to change the name of Christmas to ‘Winter Festival’ or some …
The Church in 20 Years
Where do you see the Church in 20 years? Today’s guest post is by David Heap.
12 Days of Christmas and 3 Kings Day
Everyone is familiar with the Twelve Days of Christmas. It’s a funny song where the gift-giver gives strange gifts of “lords a leaping”, and various …
Temple Wedding Petition
A temple wedding petition to is being circulated to promote love and happiness in the family by changing the church’s stance on civil marriages preceding temple …
A New Strategy for Preserving the Sanctity of Marriage!
Marriage is arguably one of the most important topics in all of Mormonism. It is considered ordained of God (PoF), temple marriages are sealed through …
Is it all really vanity?
Oh the vanity and frailty and foolishness of men, for when they are learned they think they are wise …
Have you ever received a Christmas card from the First Presidency?
This year I received a Christmas card from the First Presidency. I have heard that Church employees get one, but it has not been my …
Like a Virgin
This post is a response to Aaron Shafovaloff over at Mormon Coffee. If you go to enjoy the lights on Temple Square, you are likely …
A Different Perspective on the Wise Men
The Wise Men are a big part of the Christmas story. Oddly, they come in and disappear. The Bible seems to indicate that they were …
Really Elder McConkie? You think Education is Worship!
From an outsiders perspective, Mormon worship services may be perceived as lacking actual worship. We spend two and a half of our three hours in classes …
Feminist Paul
I’ve been reading translator’s notes and development comments on the NET Bible. The section on gender accurate vs. gender inclusive has been interesting, since they …
The Single Mormon Girl and the Priesthood
Everybody blogs, right? Why not me? Looking for my niche, my angle, and the one thing that seemed to make me stand out in my …
Brother Brigham Brother Young
Recently I drove up Little Cottonwood Canyon with my brother and nephew. This is the canyon in which many of your ancestors pulled out the …
Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Revelation
Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners are so named because they respond to learning in different ways. Visual learners are responsive to stimuli they can see. …
Twilight Poll: Anti-Feminism or Fanciful Fiction?
Because of the New Moon movie, Twilight is getting a lot of discussion in the media. Since the author, Stephanie Meyer, is LDS, a few …
Mormon Blogs – What’s OK?
What should be acceptable for a blog to be considered a “Mormon” blog? All Mormon content? Only that which is respectful to the church (not …
Peruvian Setting for the Book of Mormon
It’s been some time since we talked about alternative Book of Mormon geography theories. For those new to the site, you may want to see …
What are your leisure pursuits?
I feel the bloggernacle gets a little obsessive and potentially can take over all the aspects of our lives. We start to see all our …
Anish Kapoor on Spirituality
On the BBC, there is a great series of Art documentaries entitled ‘Imagine’. Alan Yentob, a Television Executive, presents them and in the most recent, …
Is Morality Universal?
Is morality a social construct or is it universal, transcending time and culture? Or is it a little bit of both? Read on to find …
Conflict, peace and peacemaking. The LDS difference.
I was looking at a news item. Canadian School of Peacebuilding Research studies verify what experience tells us: the majority of Christian congregations endure internal …
Everybody blogs, right? Why not me? Looking for my niche, my angle, and the one thing that seemed to make me stand out in my …
A British Thanksgiving (on the Down-Low)
This is kind-of an impromptu post and so I hope you can forgive the intrusion. But, I love Thanksgiving.
Is New Moon the New Cool? -By Amita Benedetti
For anyone vaguely familiar with the Latter-day Saints, the many parallels between the Twilight Saga and the Church’s theology will be apparent. As a mother …
10 LDS Things I’m Thankful for
Thanksgiving is, IMO, the perfect holiday: good food, a day off work, and no presents to worry about. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted …
Elder Holland Publicly Denounces Past Racist Teachings by LDS Church Leaders
“One clear-cut position is that the folklore must never be perpetuated. … I have to concede to my earlier colleagues. … They, I’m sure, in …
Musings on Modesty & Mormonism
Today’s guest post is from Reuben Collins who also blogs at Single Speed.
Finding Meaning in Suffering: Part 1
Two of the writers I have come to admire most over the last year have both said that they do not believe all suffering is …
Michael Smith Suspended for Iran Comments
Ok, I am when someone who get bothered when someone makes disparaging comments about another ethnic group. Fox suspended LA Clippers announcers Ralph Lawler and …
Time to Study The Old Testament…Again – Part 2, The Books
In this part 2 of the Studying the Old Testament series, we will discuss the books of the Old Testament, how they were organized, different …
Death to the World!
In my endless search for connections between faith and music, I came across a stark and beautiful sight last month. First of all, I finally …
Romantic Paternalism
Mormon Matters welcomes our newest guest poster. Kate Kelly graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in Political Science. She served a mission for …
Agency and the Plan of Salvation
Before the world was, so say the prophets and prophetesses, our spirits dwelt in a heavenly sphere. As the world was to be made, the …
A Bloggernacle Church Handbook of Instruction
Just recently I was re-reading an essay by Eugene England entitled ‘On Finding Truth and God’. It has been something that has helped me deal …
Utah Happiest State in Nation
Andrew Ainsworth did a post back in March wondering if Mormon Culture is Depressing Utahns? If we can blame depression on Mormon Culture, apparently it …
To Those Struggling In Their Faith
There are many within Mormonism who struggle daily with their faith. They have been exposed to historical information they were not aware of, they were …
What is the Final Destination for Apostates and Ex-Mormons?
I’ve always taken it as a given that Mormonism’s view of the afterlife shuffle has always been more universalizing than most of the other alternatives. …
Historicity Redux
Here’s an article from a recent Mormon Times: http://mormontimes.com/studies_doctrine/research_discoveries/?id=11607 I was intrigued by this story. John L. Sorenson has lots of books in print. He’s …
Time to Study the Old Testament……..Again – Part 1 – Introduction
As part of the four-year LDS Sunday School study cycle, it is time to open up that voluminous book known as the Old Testament. Many …
The Gay Rights Paradox
Today’s guest post is by John G-W. LDS Church spokesman, Michael Otterson, downplayed the significance of the LDS Church’s public backing of gay rights legislation …
Whether by my own voice …
My word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is …
Carthage Conspiracy
*Note–This was posted this morning. Due to a technical glitch, it was erased. Some comments may have been erased from this morning as well. I …
Levi Savage, William Kimball and the Mystery of Redemption
At the outset I should state that I do not think this is a very good title, but it is the only thing I could …
Freedom and Honesty
I was reading and I came across the following, years ago, and then again recently. We need complete freedom to express our honest feelings [to …
Eternal Progression and The Evolution of God
As part of a discussion group, I have been reading Robert Wright’s The Evolution of God. My group isn’t anywhere near finished (the “heart” of …
The Whole Enchilada
Guest post by Paul Swenson So what? So, what if I’m one of those cafeteria Mormons?
Similarities between Lehi and the Lemba
The History Channel has a show called “Digging for the Truth.” In season 1, they did an episode called “The Lost Tribe of Israel”, which …
“Knowing” It All
Mormons love to use the word “know.” We say we know God lives. We say we know that Jesus is the Christ. We say we …
Secular Learning and ‘Correlation’
In a 1926 Improvement Era the M.I.A. reading course included four books: ‘The Book of Mormon, 50c; by mail, 60c. Prophecies of Joseph Smith and …
Remembering the Howard Hughes “Mormon Will”
Back in 1976, it looked like the LDS Church was going to enjoy a $156 million windfall. The reason? It was the death of billionaire …
Where the Wild Mormons Are
I took my 10-year-old and 2 friends to see the movie “Where the Wild Things Are,” and I watched enthralled as they yawned, ate candy, …
Book Review: Exploring the Connection Between Mormons and Masons
Those who know me understand that this book would be of interest to me. My experience reviewing it led to some trains of thought that …
The Church of the Big Bang
I remember a remarkable conversation I once had with another Elder when I was a missionary. He and I had been talking about the relationship …
A Baptism for the Dead Dilemma
Last January 2009, I wrote a piece “Stop Baptizing Our Dead.” I spoke about groups who objected to the LDS Church baptizing the dead that …
Ghosts: What Are They?
Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever had a ghostly encounter? If you do believe in ghosts, what do you think they are doing? …
Pres Monson Accepts Honor From “School of the Prophets”
I saw this interesting photo in the Deseret News today, and just had to share. In the paper edition of the Deseret News, President Monson …
The Church’s Litigators
Remember Kenneth Starr? He was the former judge-turned-special-prosecutor who tried to drive Bill Clinton out of office with tawdry tales involving the President’s dalliance with …
The stories we tell
In sacrament the speaker told a story about a young man who stood up, eventually, against his friends for a disabled schoolmate. That made me …
1968-1970: The Civil Rights Movement Comes to BYU
The 1960s was a time of turmoil in the United States. This turmoil extended to American college campuses. It focused on the Free Speech Movement …
Vagueness as a Gospel Principle
“For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a …
Was Jesus a Buddhist?
The NT doesn’t give much insight into Jesus’ life between age 12 and 30. Did he encounter Buddhism and seek personal enlightenment? Or are these …
Egon Friedell and the Christian ‘Bad Conscience’
This photograph was taken by Sebastiao Salgado at a gold mine in Brazil. I first saw it in a room at the University I attend. As …
How to Provide Critical Feedback to Church Leaders Church Without Getting Excommunicated
If you didn’t happen to read the February issue of Ensign Magazine in 1987, you missed some valuable instruction about how to provide critical feedback …
Are You an Internet Addict?
As church members, we have been cautioned about the internet: ease of access to porn, its mind-numbing addictive qualities, the lack of high quality content, …
Can Mormons Be Fair Judges and Jurors?
The task was simple. Get a list of the area’s religions and invite them to a Cobb County Planning Commission meeting. The clerk went to …
Shlomo: A Key to Peace
In today’s economy, you have to be really sharp to stand out over all those other applicants competing for the job you want. For example, …
Approaching Isaiah 58: Fasting as a Spiritual Practice
Sometime ago Jana Reiss wrote a column for Sunstone entitled ‘Mormonism as Praxis’[1] in which the writers attempted to explore what Mormonism means in terms …
Joseph Smith: Treasure-seeker or Prophet
One of the most controversial aspects of Joseph Smith’s early life—and one not especially well known among most Mormons—is his adventures as a treasure-seeker. His father was likely a treasure-seeker before the family moved to New York from Vermont, where divining rods were the common medium in the search. Sometime in the early 1820s, Joseph was introduced to seer-stones, a common scrying device in western New York. Joseph quickly developed a reputation as a talented seer, and was known to peer into his stone to direct fellow treasure-seekers in their hunts. When Joseph was gaining notoriety as the Book of Mormon was being prepared for publication, local antagonists in Palmyra were quick to ridicule his treasure-seeking activity. A local newspaper editor, Abner Cole, referred to treasure-seers as clear “impostures” in an article on Mormonism and wrote a piece of satire that mocked the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith’s treasure-seeking.
White Noise
Everybody blogs, right? Why not me? Looking for my niche, my angle, and the one thing that seemed to make me stand out in my …
Mormons, Free Exercise, and Unrighteous Litigation
John Boyle was offended that his country club scheduled golf tournaments on Sunday. He was a Mormon who kept the Sabbath day holy. So he …
Did Elder Holland Denounce or Carefully Avoid the “Inspired Fiction” Theory?
If someone can find something in the Book of Mormon, anything that they love or respond to or find dear, I applaud that and say …
A Jungian View of the First Vision
The First Vision is often viewed as a literal visit from two Heavenly beings during Joseph Smith’s waking hours. Yet, he consistently refers to it …
Common Consent: Democracy or Prophetocracy?
At 10:00am on a brisk August morning in 1844 Sidney Rigdon addressed the Saints. Brigham Young spoke briefly before the break and at length in the …
Saturday Session Thoughts
These are just a few quick observations from today’s sessions, not every talk, though, nor every observation. I also want to direct attention to the …
MM Guide to What to Wear to Conference 2009
SATURDAY SESSIONS: Readers, we know that most of you will be home using the internet or other media wonders of today to keep abreast of …
Mormons and Intellectual Property
One might think that property, a uniquely secular notion, has no truck with ecclesiastic authorities. After all, there’s supposedly no property in Heaven. Instead, everything …
Do We Know How to Be Loving Critics in the Church?
Several years ago I heard former Secretary of Defense William Cohen lament the sad state of affairs in American politics where, as he put it, …